
Posts Tagged ‘metacam’

One of the five million things that drive me batty is some of the dire warnings about using Metacam (meloxicam) in cats. Someone will post on an online forum that their veterinarian prescribed Metacam and get a bunch of responses scaring the bejeezus out of them. Metacam kills! Metacam causes kidney failure!

Does Metacam have risks – SURE! The fact is, cats don’t generally tolerate *any* pain medications well. Metacam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), like aspirin, ibuprofen, etc, etc. The sad reality is cats don’t very well tolerate aspirin, or ibuprofen, or any of those handy little pain killers that get us humans through our routine headaches and muscle aches. Are there cats that have suffered severe repercussions after the use of Metacam? I’m sure there are.

The question the “Metacam kills” alarmists fail to answer, in my opinion, WHAT IS THE CAREGIVER’S OTHER OPTION? Let their cat suffer in pain?

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A few cat caregivers have posed questions regarding their cats’ arthritis recently on some online forums. My Omaha has severe arthritis. We started acupuncture in 2004 and the results were amazing! At the time we started, he was having trouble standing up. After about three weekly sessions, he was RUNNING. We continued with the treatments for some time, but honestly it was a struggle as Omaha is NOT generally able to be handled by anyone but me. (He has to be sedated for most anything, including blood draws or x-rays. During acupuncture he’d scream and thrash, pee and poop everywhere, and once when I wasn’t sufficiently careful I was bitten very badly. We generally have to muzzle him.) We tried to keep up with maintenance treatments, but the last one we got had little to no effect, so I knew I’d either have to take him more often or give up – and I’m sorry to say I just can’t bring myself to commit to more frequent treatments. To locate a veterinary acupuncturist, I suggest consulting the AHVMA website. Keep your search broad in order to get the best results. (An acupuncturist could be listed in one discipline/area, but not another.)


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